Antibody Production Services
SpeedyTM Polyclonal Antibody Production
SpeedeeTM Rabbit Polyclonal Antibodies For Small Molecules

SpeedeeTM Rabbit Polyclonal Antibodies For Small Molecules

Seattle Genova offers extraordinary service of rabbit polyclonal antibody production for small molecules. Our specialized experts can raise rabbit polyclonal antibodies against any molecule under 900 Daltons: antibiotics, steroids, metabolites, nucleotides, small molecule drugs, chemical pollutants, pesticide residues and so on.

Advantages of our services

· High affinity

Our technology generates high affinity polyclonal antibodies which maximizes the overall sensitivity of immunoassays.

· Cross-species reactivity

Unlike proteins, small molecules are conserved throughout species. Polyclonal antibodies raised against small molecules are thus applicable to biological samples of any origin.

· Low cost & rapid production

Our technology is a cost- and time- efficient way to develop small molecule antibodies for research, diagnostic and even therapeutic applications.

· Compatible with ELISA and IHC

Our pAbs allow accurate and robust detection of small molecules in cells, tissues and biological fluids with ELISA and IHC assays.

· Better than monoclonal antibodies

Our technology raise antibodies targeting multiple epitopes and so they generally provide more robust detection.

Preparation of small molecule/protein conjugates

Seattle Genova is experienced with design of small molecule/protein carrier conjugates, our team have developed cross-linking strategies aimed at optimizing immune response and subsequent antibody quality.

Protein carriers available for the conjugation: KLH, Ovalbumin, Thyroglobulin, BSA or Dextran.

Conjugation technologies: Hydroxylation (-OH), Sulforylation (-SH), Carbonylation (C=O), Carboxylation (-COOH)

Antigen affinity purification

Small molecules are immobilized to an affinity support allowing the specific antibody to be purified from serum samples. Our technology provides many advantages such as very high purity levels (>99% can be achieved in one step), very high selectivity, and therefore very high resolution, including certitude that the antibody is specific for the antigen of interest. 





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